How to Do a Good Spring Cleaning

Tools for Good Spring Cleaning

By Star Domestic Cleaners on 21.11.2016

At Domestic Cleaners we know that people practise spring-cleaning since ancient times in every single culture. Its deep meaning is the idea of throwing away the old year and making room for the new one.

Here is a detailed guide on how to do a good spring cleaning by yourself, hassle-free!

How to Declutter Your Home?

You don’t need a cleaner job description to handle this yourself. The first thing you should do before starting a spring clean is get rid of all the excess stuff in your house:

  1. Throw away expired things. Start with the kitchen – you don’t need expired food in your fridge or cupboards.
  2. Throw away obvious garbage. Like the trash can in the kitchen and bathroom, empty shampoo bottles, scattered paper and unneeded broken parts of anything that won’t serve any purpose ever.
  3. Segregate questionable items. There are bound to be stuff you are not sure you’re going to need in the future or not. Take them out and put them in one place. You can decide on the spot what you need or whatnot, or you can leave this for later and continue decluttering.
  4. Give away what you don’t need. If you find items you don’t need, but others might need, act out some generosity. Give to friends, send to charities, or you can always sell some of them if they still hold any value. You can do it on numerous websites online, or the old-fashioned way with a garage sale.
  5. Repeat until you’re happy. Do this for every room until you’re certain, everything you have in your house is needed and in use.

Don’t forget to check our Golden Rules for spring cleaning at the bottom of this page which will help you easily tackle this choir

How to Clean the Bedroom

Useful tips on how to clean your bedroom

  1. Change the winter bedding with the summer one. There are those mattresses, which can be flipped over and you have a summer mattress.
  2. Strip the beds. Take away all the covers, wash and store them for next winter. Use your summer sheets and covers.
  3. Steam clean the mattress. Dust mites accumulate in the bed during winter, so it would be a good idea to clean the mattress thoroughly. It’s also good prevention against bed bugs, note experts Bed Bug Specialists.
  4. Steam clean the curtains. Just like the mattress, the same goes for curtains. It’s necessary especially for people with allergies and a good precaution against asthma development.
  5. Reorganise your wardrobe. It’s quite possible you would find clothes or other items you know you will never use again. Take out these items and don’t automatically throw them in the garbage. Instead, see if you can give them away to charity. Don’t forget to place new lavender odours against moths in the wardrobe.
  6. Hoover every nook and cranny in the bedroom. Always leave the floor cleaning for last.

How to Clean the Kitchen

how to clean the kitchen

  1. Start with the refrigerator. Hopefully, you switched it off from last night and is now defrosted. You’ve thrown away the expired food, and you don’t have any that needs to be cooled in order to stay fresh. Take out the drawers and soak them in a water and dish-washing solution. Use a window cleaner and a soft cloth to clean the inside.
  2. Clean the cupboards. Do the same for the cupboards containing food. Don’t be surprised to find insects flying in there, especially if you stored bread and cornflakes. Against those, it’s a good idea to place moth traps on the door of every cupboard.
  3. Clean the microwave. For the microwave, you need a good cleaning solution of water and vinegar. If you have a lot of dried food particles, it’s what can soften and get rid of them without the use of commercial products.
  4. Clean the oven. Unfortunately, you need a special (and expensive) cleaning product to fight the problems of your oven, especially when cleaning an old AGA cooker. First, take off all removable parts and soak them in a solution of water and a cleaning product. Then spray the inside and outside of the over with the product and wait. After a while, rinse everything with water and hopefully, that would be the end of it. If it isn’t, you might have to do it again.
  5. Clean the sink and all smooth surfaces. This one is pretty easy and shouldn’t take long.
  6. Mop the floor. After all this, the floor is most probably filthy. Start with a broom (or a hoover) to get rid of all individual particles. You might have to move some furniture around for this. Then mop the floor with a commercial floor cleaner.

How to Clean the Bathroom

how to clean the bathroom

  1. De-clutter. This involves removing useless items, such as empty toiletry bottles, rubbish from the bin and anything else that has no place in your home. In the end, you should leave the bathroom only with the bathtub, washbasin, toilet, and a few other affixed fixtures.
  2. Separate clean items from the dirty ones. Put them aside until you complete the cleaning process.
  3. Remove all hygiene products. If you want an excellent result, you better remove all obstacles. Toothbrushes, shaving kits, and all other hygiene products must go.
  4. Wash rags separately. Towels, rugs and any cloth you have in the bathroom you should wash first. It’s advisable to let them all dry in the sun, as the sun can give them unexpected freshness.
  5. Wipe the furniture with an all-purpose cleaner. Next, you need to wipe every piece of furniture from dust and other debris. You’ll be surprised how much dust there could be in a bathroom, especially if it wasn’t cleaned in a long time. If it falls on the floor, just do a quick sweeping. Vacuum the cobwebs if you see any.
  6. Fight mould. If there is mould on the walls or the ceiling, spray it with an anti-mould product (check this post to learn how to get rid of mould in your home). Make sure to wear protective goggles when you do. Keep the window and door opened and walk out for 15 minutes. Just a precaution, since the anti-mould products have a suffocating effect when sprayed in narrow places.
  7. Concentrate on the tub. Spray the tub, the shower and the sink with an all-purpose cleaner and leave it for a few minutes. Apply a good bathroom detergent and scrub, using a stiff-bristled brush or a scrubber. If the bathtub is too dirty,  consider using a heavy-duty spray to get rid of the grime.
  8. Use glass cleaner. Clean the shower door, mirror, window and window frames.
  9. Go back to the all-purpose cleaner. Rinse the area with plain water and wipe it off the tub, sink and shower with a dry rag.
  10. Pay attention to the toilet. Spray detergent inside and scrub with the toilet brush. Flush afterwards. Spray the outside with the all-purpose cleaner and wipe it off.
  11. Mop the floor. In a bucket with water, pour a bit of cleaning solution. Don’t put too much solution, it might leave foam on the floor. First, dip the mop into the bucket, squeeze the excess water and then make sure there isn’t a place on the floor you didn’t touch with the mop.
  12. Put the furniture and all products back, after the floor dries.

How to Do a Good Spring Cleaning: Golden Cleaning Rules

how to do a good spring cleaning

Every time you clean, no matter if it’s a deep spring cleaning or the typical weekly clean, follow the golden rules. They maximise the quality of the process, so instead of cleaning many times clean once but with quality.

  • Every spill should be cleaned immediately. If you delay, it will only get harder to get rid of. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about carpet, or fabric, or anything else. If you are rug owner, check this post to learn how to remove stains from your carpet.
  • Always clean from the top to the bottom. The reason is obvious.
  • Clean one room at a time to save time and hassle. Taking care of one room is easier and helps you focus on what’s done and what’s not. After you’ve finished, you’ll get a sense of completion and get motivated for the next room.
  • Careful and gentle approach. Cleaning techniques do not include hard scrubbing and scratching as this can only add dirt deep into the surface of fibres. Not to mention it can cause damages.
  • Time is also of importance. Doing a job fast is often associated with doing it poorly. So, when tackling tough surfaces, spray them with the cleaning agents and wait till they do their job. Meanwhile, you can continue cleaning something else.
  • Try multitasking whatever you can. For example, putting clothes in the washing machine or dryer while cleaning a room will save you extra time.
  • Carry all the stuff you need with you. Interrupting your work with searching for a certain thing will not only slow down the process, and will decrease your motivation. Unless you’re feeling the bliss when you clean (I hope not).
  • Test products. If you’re not sure whether a cleaning product might damage your carpet or upholstery, always test it on a less visible part, or on a completely different piece of furniture.
  • Sun gets rid of stain residue. Don’t expose your clothes or rugs to direct sunlight, if you do not want the colours to lighten. However, if your clothes are white, sunlight can help a lot to remove stain residue after the wash cycle.
  • Dryers do not help as the Sun does. After washing, if there is still a residue from a stain, don’t put the cloth in the dryer, because the heat will harden it immensely, and it will never come off.

This spring cleaning guide was brought to you by a team of professional one-off cleaners, helping people from all over the UK to keep a clean and organised property.

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